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Erik Curtis Hurlen

Faculty Photo

Associate Teaching Professor
Aeronautics & Astronautics

  • (206) 685-2086
  • AER 138


  • Ph.D. Engineering Sciences (Aerospace Engineering), University of California San Diego
  • M.S. Engineering Sciences (Aerospace Engineering), University of California San Diego
  • B.Sc. Mathematical Physics, Simon Fraser University

Previous appointments

  • Lecturer, San Diego State University, 2019-2020
  • Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi, 2014-2019

Research Statement

Recent years have seen an increase in technology used in undergraduate courses, from A/V equipment to learning management systems, online homework platforms, and ebooks.  The newest such technology is adaptive software which has the potential to customize learning paths for individual students.  My research is focused on the impact of such systems on student learning outcomes in such as performance (GPA, failure rates, etc.) and retention (both at the individual course and program levels) in undergraduate engineering courses.  The goal of this is to optimize the amount and type of technology used in these courses to provide the best possible chance of success for each student in the program.

Honors & awards

  • University of Mississippi Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Teacher award 2018 and 2015
  • University of Mississippi School of Engineering Faculty Teaching award 2016
