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Affiliates, Adjuncts, and Emeriti

Avery, WilliamAffiliate ProfessorCannon Engineering and Amazon Prime Air
Bauer, PascalAffiliate ProfessorEcole National Superieure de Mecanique et d'Aerotechnique, France
Broyles, DannyAffiliate Assistant ProfessorUnited States Air Force
Chappelle, DouglasAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Cummings, MaryAffiliate ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University
Deleo, FrancescoAffiliate Assistant ProfessorTerraPower
Dougherty, RobertAffiliate ProfessorOptiNav, Inc.
Golingo, RayAffiliate Assistant ProfessorFuse Energy Technologies Corp.
Gunther, ScottAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Hansen, ChrisAffiliate Associate ProfessorColumbia University
Ihn, Jeong-BeomAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Lum, ChrisAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Mavriplis, DimitriAffiliate ProfessorScientific Simulations
McGeer, Brian Theodore (Tad)Affiliate Associate ProfessorAerovel
McLean, HarryAffiliate ProfessorLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mehlhorn, ThomasAffiliate ProfessorConsultant, HB11 Energy USA and Adjunct Professor, Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan
Meier, EricAffiliate Associate ProfessorZap Energy
Miller, JeffreyAffiliate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Mohaghegh, MichaelAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Corporation
Mor, MaratAffiliate Associate Professor 
Muir, EricAffiliate Assistant ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Najmabadi, KioumarsAffiliate ProfessorThe Boeing Company
Nelson, Chester PaulAffiliate Associate ProfessorThe Boeing Company (Retired)
Schmidt, EckartAffiliate Associate ProfessorConsultant, Hazardous Materials
Stanley, StevenAffiliate ProfessorBlue Origin
Szmuk, MikiAffiliate Assistant ProfessorAmazon Prime Air
Terreau, ThomasAffiliate Assistant ProfessorBlue Origin
Varanasi, RaoAffiliate ProfessorThe Boeing Company (Retired)
Waas, TonyAffiliate ProfessorArizona State University
Wollschlager, JeffreyAffiliate Assistant ProfessorAltair Engineering
Ziemba, TimAffiliate Assistant ProfessorEagle Harbor Technologies, Inc.
Zube, DieterAffiliate Associate ProfessorAerojet Rocketdyne

NameTitleResearch Areas
Aliseda, AlbertoA&A Adjunct Professor
PACCAR Endowed Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Fluid mechanics, Dynamics of multiphase flows, Gas exchange between atmosphere and ocean, Atomization of liquids in combustion.
Brunton, SteveA&A Adjunct Professor
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Combining techniques in dimensionality reduction, sparse sensing, and machine learning for the data-driven discovery and control of complex dynamical systems.
Devasia, Santosh A&A Adjunct Professor
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Robotics, Manufacturing, Feed Forward Control, Nanopositioning, Biomimetric Cilia, Air Traffic Control.
Hu, Jingwei A&A Adjunct Professor
Professor - AMATH
Kinetic Theory, Multiscale Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Scientific Computing.
Poovendran, Radha A&A Adjunct Professor
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Applied cryptography for network security, Information theory and game theory, Resource allocation problems, Discrete algorithms and optimization in networks, Cyber-physical systems, Deception, Control modeling of security.
Ratliff, Lillian A&A Adjunct Associate Professor
Associate Professor - Electrical & Computer Engineering, recipient of the Dhanani Endowed Faculty Fellowship
Data science, Robotics and Controls.
Shean, DavidA&A Adjunct Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Engineering and Environment, Autonomous Vehicles, Remote Sensing, Satellite Mission Operations.
Wiebe, RichardA&A Adjunct Associate Professor
Associate Professor - Civil & Environmental Engineering
Structural Engineering and Mechanics.
Zobeiry, NavidA&A Adjunct Associate Professor
Associate Professor - Material Science & Engineering
Composites, Machine Learning, Advanced Manufacturing, and Materials Failure.

NameTitleResearch Areas
Bragg, Michael B. 
Professor EmeritusAerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Icing.
Bruckner, Adam P.
(206) 543-6143 
Professor EmeritusPropulsion, Space Systems, Energy Conversion.
Christiansen , Walter H.Professor EmeritusGas Dynamics, Energy Conversion, Fluid Mechanics.
Decher, Reiner
Professor Emeritus
Adjunct in Civil Engineering
Energy Conversion, Propulsion, Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics.
Hoffman, Alan L.Professor EmeritusPlasma Science, Fusion, Propulsion
Holsapple, Keith A.
Professor EmeritusImpact Processes, Planetary Sciences, Numerical Methods, Finite Element Methods, Structures.
Kurosaka, Mitsuru  Professor EmeritusAirbreathing Propulsion, Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Fluids
Mattick, Arthur T.
Associate Professor EmeritusEnergy Conversion, Gas Physics, Heat Transfer.
Milroy, Richard 
Research Professor EmeritusPlasma Science, Fusion, Propulsion.
Russell, DavidProfessor EmeritusAerodynamics, Gas Physics, Hypersonics, Fluid Dynamics.
Vagners, Juris
Professor EmeritusAutomatic Control, Dynamic Systems, Optimization