October 25, 2017
Congratulations to Gustavo Eidji Camarinha Fujiwara, a PhD student in the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, for winning the AIAA AVIATION 2017 - Best Student Paper Award. AVIATION is a national conference organized by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - world's largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. A panel of judges selected Fujiwara's paper titled, "3D Computational Icing Method for Aircraft Conceptual Design", presented in Denver, CO. The paper contributes to improving aircraft design and aviation safety by incorporating aerodynamic and icing effects in early aircraft design stages. This is the second year in a row that Fujiwara has received the Best Paper Award at the AIAA AVIATION conference.
Gustavo Fujiwara is working with A&A Professor and College of Engineering Dean Michael Bragg and A&A Professor Eli Livne researching multidisciplinary optimization methods to improve aircraft design, making them more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
Fujiwara has previously been recognized for his scholastic achievement as an awardee of the De Karman Fellowship, the U.S. Department of Transportation Dwight Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship, the UW Graduate School Latino/a Scholars Graduate School Fellowship, the Mortar Board Alumni/Tolo Foundation Ayers Scholarship, and the Burton and Paulyne Batchelor Endowed Fellowship. In addition to his scholastic endeavors, Fujiwara volunteers as an academic tutor at local homeless shelters and schools, leading two projects focused on improving education in underprivileged communities in Seattle, and encouraging young students to pursue college degrees and careers in science and aeronautics. He also enjoys flying airplanes as a private pilot, hang gliding, and fishing.