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A&A Grad Wins Caltech Space Challenge

April 4, 2017

Congratulations to A&A graduate student Daniel Crews, whose Team Explorer won first prize at the 2017 Caltech Space Challenge held March 26 – 31, 2017. Daniel was selected from an applicant pool of more than 800 students from universities world-wide to be one of 32 participants in the challenge. Students were brought together into two teams and given a mission problem to be solved in five days. This year’s mission was to design a plan for “Lunarport," a launch and supply station for deep space missions. In addition to creating the mission plan, the students attended lectures and met with representatives from NASA, Airbus, Boeing, Blue Origin, Honeybee Robotics, Orbital ATK and others. At the end of the five days, each team presented their mission plan to a jury of industry experts. Team Explorer was selected as the winner of the challenge.

View Team Explorer’s final presentation

Read more about the Space Challenge