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From nature's engines to engineering: An NSF grant explores power at the smallest scale

Amy Sprague
February 14, 2025

Professor Taghvaei studies bacteria to build efficient, nature-inspired nano-sized engines.

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Amir Taghvaei

Nature is our greatest teacher. From the warmth of sunlight powering Earth's processes to the microscopic motors driving cells, the natural world demonstrates remarkable efficiency in harnessing energy from temperature and chemical differences. Assistant Professor Amir Taghvaei has received a NSF grant with UC Irvine’s Professor Tryphon Georgiou to unravel these principles and apply them to engineered systems.

"Look at any living cell," Taghvaei explains. "It's filled with tiny molecular motors that convert chemical energy into mechanical work with remarkable efficiency. We're trying to understand the mathematics behind these processes, both in nature and in engineered systems."

The research delves into a fascinating question: what's the maximum power we can harvest from temperature differences and chemical variations at the nanoscale? It's a question that bridges biology and engineering, with implications for both fields.

Think of a hot spring, where microorganisms thrive by exploiting temperature differences in their environment. Or consider the enzymes in our cells, which act as microscopic engines powered by chemical reactions. These natural systems have evolved over billions of years to operate efficiently at the smallest scales.


"We're not just studying these systems – we're developing mathematical frameworks to understand their fundamental limits," Taghvaei notes. "This knowledge could help us design better artificial nanoscale engines that approach the efficiency we see in nature."

The project brings together three powerful mathematical disciplines – stochastic control, nonlinear filtering, and optimal transport – to establish performance bounds for these tiny engines. By understanding these limits, engineers could develop more efficient nanoscale devices for various applications, from medical technologies to energy systems.

Beyond the laboratory, this research carries significant implications for future technology. As our devices become smaller and more sophisticated, understanding how to efficiently harness energy at the nanoscale becomes increasingly crucial. The principles discovered through this research could influence the development of new medical devices, advanced sensors, and energy-harvesting systems.

The project also emphasizes education and outreach, aiming to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Taghvaei's team plans to share their findings through university courses and engage with local high schools to promote STEM education.

This isn't just about mathematical models. It's about understanding the fundamental principles that could drive future technological breakthroughs. Nature has been running these experiments for billions of years – we're just beginning to understand how to apply these lessons to our engineered systems.

— Amir Taghvaei, A&A Assistant Professor