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Student resources

Pathways and Mechanisms for General Feedback and Concerns
Our department uses a number of data sources to assess department programs and activities.

Forms for Students
Common academic and business forms

Our department provides a variety of computing resources to students engaged in coursework.

Lockers are available to A&A students on the first and third floors of Guggenheim Hall.

Lab Safety Training
All students using instructional labs must complete a series of lab trainings to ensure everyone’s safety.

High Speed Camera
Students may reserve the department’s High Speed Camera for use in academic coursework and research credits.

Engineering Academic Center
The Engineering Academic Center occupies three classrooms on the second floor of Loew Hall and is open to students 24 hours a day. Here students participate in organized study workshops, meet informally for study sessions, and form learning communities.

Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Undergraduate Academic Affairs oversees generalized undergraduate academic advising and a variety of undergraduate programs such as Academic Support Programs, Center for Learning & Undergraduate Enrichment, First Year Programs, University Honors Program, the Undergraduate Research Program, and much more!

Graduate Student Affairs
Graduate Student Affairs uses a holistic approach to supporting graduate students through student-centered services & programming, timely resources, and intentional tri-campus partnerships.

Career Center @ Engineering
The CC@E is a specialized career services center in the College of Engineering focused on the coaching, exploration, and job search needs of students and recent alumni planning a career in engineering. CC@E manages the UW Engineering Internship Program.

Aerospace Engineering Academic Positions
A listing of full-time "permanent" academic positions geared toward aerospace engineering Ph.D. graduates and postdocs including tenure and non-tenure track faculty positions. Postdoctoral fellowships are not included. Compiled by the Aerospace Department Chairs Association.

If you are experiencing or reporting an emergency immediately call 9-1-1.

Campus Safety
UW maintains a robust infrastructure of campus safety and emergency response resources including UW Alert, the UW Police Department, and the office of Environmental Health & Safety

UW SafeCampus works with campus partners to keep our community safe. Tell them what's going on and they will figure out how to best address your concerns. If you're scared or unsure what to do, call 206-685-SAFE (7233).

Office of the Title IX Coordinator
See the Know Your Rights & Resources guide from the Office of the Title IX Coordinator if you have experienced sexual assault, stalking, relationship or intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, or other sexual misconduct. The guide provides important information on resources and reporting options so that individuals can decide what feels right for their situation.

Lab Safety Training
All students using instructional labs must complete a series of lab trainings to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Health & Wellness
UW Health & Wellness provides support, consultation, and education support including alcohol & drug consultation & education, suicide intervention, sexual assault & relationship violence advocacy, and student care.

Husky Health Center
Husky Health Center is a fully accredited outpatient medical clinic serving the UW campus. Students can see medical professionals, fill prescriptions, update immunizations, and receive other medical services. Husky Health accepts several forms of insurance, including iSHIP and GAIP.

Counseling Center
The UW Counseling Center is a mental health resource where currently enrolled students can receive assistance with adjustment issues, depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, and a variety of other challenges. The Counseling Center does not accept/require insurance. If your concerns are urgent, contact the Crisis Clinic at 866-427-4747.

Husky HelpLine
Husky HelpLine is available to support you to same-day access to a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

Housing and Food Services
UW offers a wide variety of housing and food services to students.

Transportation Services
Transportation Services is the central resource for information about parking, regional transit passes (UPass), bicycling, and navigating to or around the UW campus.

Student Parent Resource Center
The Student Parent Resource Center provides resources and financial support to students with children. Student parents at the UW can find the resources they need to support the successful completion of their degree.

Student Activities Office (including GPSS and ASUW)
The Student Activities Office encourages students to participate in student activities and student government as way to experience personal growth, meet new friends, share common interests with other students, faculty and staff.

Office of Student Veteran Life
The Student Veteran Life works to achieve three main objectives: 1) Create centralized services and programming; 2) Grow and strengthen the veteran community; and 3) Represent the unique position and needs of UW veteran constituents.

International Student Services (ISS) Office
The International Student Services Office is staffed by highly trained advising professionals who help students understand benefits and restrictions of F-1 and J-1 visa status.

Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS)
FIUTS is a UW-based non-profit organization which connects university students to local and global communities through programs that build international awareness, cross-cultural communication, and informed leadership.