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A&A Computing Resources

A&A Student Computing Lab
Information on lab facilities and use policies.

COE Remote Server Access
How to connect to a remote desktop system.

Printer Setup for Aero & Astro Users

If you are a Windows User, please click HERE for step-by-step instructions to ADD a printer.

If you are a Macintosh user, please click HERE for step-by-step instructions to ADD a printer.

UW Computing Resources

Wireless network
Wireless access throughout the A&A department is provided by UW Information Technology (UW-IT). The network should be automatically detected under the name "University of Washington".

UW Computer and Network Use Policy
As a unit of the university, the A&A department adheres to campus-wide policies for use of computing and network services. You are responsible for observing university regulations.

UW-IT Tools for Students

Email at the UW

Student access to the UW Learning Management System (LMS).

Securing Your Computer
UW-IT Connect Security Tools give you quick access to a basic set of software tools for fighting viruses, doing secure file transfer and terminal sessions, and other common tasks.

UW Student Technology Loan Program

Please visit the following link for information on the UW Student Technology Loan Program: HERE