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Pathways and Mechanisms for General Feedback and Concerns

As part of our department values, the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics seeks to promote the well-being of all community members by maintaining a safe, professional, respectful, and inclusive environment. We actively encourage and welcome thoughtful feedback that can help us continually improve and enhance your experiences with our department.

Within our department, you can provide feedback in many ways, such as:

Current contacts

If you have any questions, are unsure about which resource to use, or if you have a concern that is not listed here, please reach out to any of the following contacts:


College of Engineering

  • Director of Policy and Administration
    Charlotte Goddard
  • Human Resources HR Specialist
     Rachel Sok, who also makes appointments with Director of Human Resources Aileen Trilles.

A&A Resources, Best Practices & Whom to Contact

All department community members are encouraged to try addressing concerns informally through thoughtful dialogue. Whenever possible, it is best to “start local.” Communicate first with the individual(s) closest to the situation. Here are some examples:

Concerns about a Team Project in Class or a Student Club?
Try talking to your teammates about shared expectations and best practices. Set clear deadlines and milestones. Use meeting notes to document agreements and responsibilities.

Concerns about the Material or the Organization of a Course?
Try talking to your TA or your instructor. Share your concerns clearly and calmly. Use specific examples so they can understand your perspective. Ask specific questions to help you understand their perspective. (Tip: Speak for yourself rather than for “many of us” or “the whole class.”)

Concerns about your Student Job?
Try talking to your direct supervisor. Explain your concerns and ask for help. If it relates to duties and workload, be clear about the problem and aim for a common understanding of reasonable goals and timelines. If it relates to communication or interpersonal matters, express your concerns and your needs and participate in forming a plan that addresses the issue and prevents it from returning.

If you try to resolve concerns directly and the issue continues (or if it would not feel appropriate to reach out directly, reach out to the “next person up” within the department.

Concerns about a fellow student in class?
Contact your TA, your Instructor, or an A&A Academic Adviser.

Concerns about your TA?
Contact your Instructor or the Director of Academic Services.

Concerns about your professor?
Contact an A&A Academic Adviser or Director of Academic Services.

Concerns about a fellow student in your A&A Student club (RSO)?
Contact your club’s Faculty Adviser or an A&A Academic Adviser.

Concerns about your A&A Student club (RSO) Advisor?
Contact an A&A Academic Adviser or Director of Academic Services

Other Concerns about fellow student(s)?
Contact an A&A Academic Adviser or Director of Academic Services.

Concerns in your Student Job?
Contact the Director of Academic Services or Department Administrator.

Concerns about a Staff Member?
Contact the Director of Academic Services or Department Administrator.

At any time, you can provide confidential feedback through our confidential feedback form. The survey is monitored by Academic Services staff only. Your name and identifying information will not be shared and you will not be contacted about your feedback unless you specifically give permission.

University Resources

The University of Washington have procedures in place to address most formal concerns and grievances. Details and contact information are discussed below.

Student Disability Support & Accommodations
UW Disability Resources for Students (DRS) partners with students with disabilities to request accommodations that grant access to educational opportunities. Students can register with DRS to request academic accommodations.

Student Conduct and “Report It”
The UW Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct (CSSC) is responsible for maintaining and implementing the UW Student Conduct Code. CSSC has an online “Report It” tool to make reporting alleged incidents of student misconduct easy for faculty, staff, and students.

Safety and Accident Reporting
The University’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) is responsible for all aspects of physical safety associated with university activities and operations. EHS maintains an Online Accident Reporting System (OARS) to track work-related problems so preventative measures can be implemented. This includes near misses, hazardous conditions, and accidents or injuries involving employees, students, UW volunteers working on or off campus, or members of the public visiting campus. After reporting the incident to an appropriate supervisor, always make sure to submit an OARS report.

Grade Disputes or Academic Grievances
The UW's Change of Grade regulations help students who believe an instructor erred in the assignment of a grade. Students should start this process by discussing the issue with the instructor before the end of the following academic quarter.

Graduate students who believe they have been subjected to unfair treatment in the administration of academic policies may, with some exceptions, seek resolution of their complaints under the Graduate School’s Academic Grievance Procedure.

Discriminatory or Inappropriate Behavior from a University Employee
The University maintains various policies for Resolution of Complaints against University Employees to help students who have concerns about the behavior of University employees, including behavior that may violate the University’s nondiscrimination and non-retaliation policies.

University Ombud
The Office of the Ombud serves the entire University of Washington community by providing collaborative and confidential support services for preventing, managing, and resolving conflict at this university. Through active participation in the problem-solving process, clients develop the ability to prevent, manage, and resolve future conflicts.

Student Workplace Concerns
Generally, your supervisor is a preferred first contact for workplace concerns. As an alternative within the department, student employees may contact the A&A Director of Academic Services or the A&A Department Administrator at any time. If you would like to seek guidance through the College of Engineering, you may contact the COE’s Director of Human Resources.