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Capstone Program Timeline and Events

Project preparation (September - December)

Project preparation occurs during Autumn quarter of the senior year focusing on general design tools for all projects (intellectual property, software design packages, project management).  Student selection and formation of teams also happens during this time. 

Date Description

Early November

Capstone pitch day.  Students will hear about all the different capstone projects available from industry partners and A&A faculty members.
Early November Student project applications due.  Student selection of capstone projects are due.
Late November Project team assignments announced. Students, industry parnters and A&A faculty advisors will be informed of team assignments.
Early December Mentor/advisor orientation: An orientation for all industry partners and A&A faculty members.
Early December Team kickoff meeting: A first meeting for each team will take place in early December after the mentor/advisor orientation.  Exact dates to be determined by each team.

Project activity (January - June)

Project activity occurs during the senior year of Winter quarter focusing on design and the Spring quarter focusing on prototype construction and testing.  The capstone program culminates with the public poster session and final design review (oral presentation) at the end of the academic year.

Date Description
Early February Systems requirement review. AIAA conference format with 20 minutes per team presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
March Preliminary design review. AIAA conference format with 20 minutes per team presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
Late April Critical design review. AIAA conference format with 20 minutes per team presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
Late May Public film festival.  Findings film festival.
June Final design review.  Final oral presentations with one hour for industry teams and two hours for large teams.
June Final written reports.