The UW Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission of ABET.
The following set of example syllabi for required and elective undergraduate courses represents the coursework component of our undergraduate degree.
200-Level Survey Courses, Engineering Fundamentals
300-Level Required A&A Courses
- AA 301, Compressible Aerodynamics
- AA 302, Incompressible Aerodynamics
- AA 310, Orbital & Space Flight Mechanics
- AA 311, Atmospheric Flight Mechanics
- AA 312, Structural Vibrations
- AA 320, Aerospace Instrumentation (Lab)
- AA 321, Aerospace Laboratory I (Lab)
- AA 322, Aerospace Laboratory II (Lab)
- AA 331*, Aerospace Structures I
- AA 332*, Aerospace Structures II
- AA 360*, Propulsion
400-Level Required A&A Courses
- AA 447, Control in Aerospace Systems
- AA 410-411, Aircraft Design I-II (Capstone)
- AA 420-421, Spacecraft & Space Systems Design I-II (Capstone)
400-Level Technical Electives
- AA 400*, Gas Dynamics
- AA 402, Fluid Mechanics
- AA 405, Introduction to Aerospace Plasmas
- AA 419, Aerospace Heat Transfer
- AA 430*, Finite Element Analysis in Aerospace
- AA 432*, Composite Materials for Aerospace Structures
- AA 440*, Flight Mechanics
- AA 441*, Flight Test Engineering
- AA 448, Control Systems Sensors & Actuators (Lab)
- AA 461, Advanced Air Breathing Propulsion
- AA 462, Rocket Propulsion
- AA 470, Systems Engineering
- AA 480*, Systems Dynamics