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Data Plotting

Online plots

On-line plots of corrected coefficient data are available on screen within two seconds after a data point is acquired. A PC is dedicated to plotting the data point-by-point to as many as 25 different grids. The grids are updated and displayed on a 17” color monitor for the customer to view immediately after the data are recorded during the run. The customer can print any grid to a laser printer for closer analysis. Plots are available in either 11” x 17” or 8½” x 11” paper sizes. The on-line plotting system applies balance interactions, weight tares, flow angularity corrections, wall corrections, blockage corrections, and transfers moments to three customer-specified model moment centers. Data are available in the wind, body, and stability axes. A desktop personal computer is located in the company room for use by the customer. It is connected to the local network of PCs so that the customer can plot either on-line or final data at his/her convenience. The off-line version of the plotting program allows the user more flexibility in plotting and is distributed with the test data to the customer. The PC also allows the customer to view the digital configuration photos taken by KWT personnel.

Final plots

The final data set has more detailed weight tares, wall corrections, and can have additional tares applied. Final plots of the corrected data are available at the Test Engineer's request. Final plots are produced on 11" x 17" or 8½" x 11" paper using the off-line plotting software. Each plot can be printed with legends, multiple title lines, and additional notes. Final plots are generally available one week after test completion. However, the customer has the option of doing the plotting by him/herself with the PC-based KWT off-line plotting program. This option allows plots to be created during and after the test.