The KWT data reduction system can call upon several different computers to reduce the data with either KWT codes or customer provided codes. The standard data reduction system uses a network of PCs running Windows XP and Windows 2000.
Data is typically corrected using Visual BASIC programs. Custom specific programs can be written on-site if the need arises. There are two main data reduction programs that are used to create a preliminary (“on-line”) and final data set.
On-line Data: Standard corrections applied to the on-line data set include balance interactions, weight tares, flow angularity, wall corrections, blockage corrections, and moment transfers to five customer-specified model moment centers. Data is available in the wind, body, and stability axes. On-line data is preliminary and automatic, with minimal user input to allow for quick analysis of the data. The on-line data is available for access (and plotting) within one second after being acquired.
Final Data: Standard corrections applied to the final data set are the same as the on-line data set except more detailed. In addition, additional tares (such as strut tares), can be applied. The final data set goes through a thorough double-check to ensure data integrity. The final data set is usually available anywhere from a few hours to a day after the data are acquired
Storage media
KWT can provide data on a variety of electronic media, the most common being either a USB thumb drive, a secure file transfer (FTP), or on DVD-ROM at the end of the test. Non-standard formats can be accommodated as well.