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2019 Edition

highflight Archive


Message from the Chair

Chair Kristi Morgansen celebrates the recent accomplishments of the department and looks to the promising future of growing the department, engaging alumni, and enhancing course offerings.

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students and staff in the wind tunnel

KWT gets a data acquisition upgrade

Members of the Kirsten Wind Tunnel's student crew are working to ease the transition from the old data acquisition system to a new one.

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wind tunnel sign

The stories project for UWAL / KWT alumni

Read the memories of UWAL / KWT alumni and add your own! What made your student crew experience so unique?

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Remembering alumnus George Jeffs

A&A remembers George Jeffs, an aerospace legend from the Apollo missions to the development of GPS satellites.

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Through icing studies, KWT installs structural upgrades

Funding targeted toward enhancing UW ice accretion research will upgrade the Kirsten Wind Tunnel's service offerings for a range of commercial customers.

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UW celebrates centennial of aeronautics instruction

A&A celebrated 100 years of aeronautics instruction, bringing together for a day-long event Boeing executives, UW leaders, current and former faculty, partners, and alumni.

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Distinguished alumni: Laura McGill and Rao Varanasi

Laura McGill and Rao Varanasi were named the 2018 and 2019 A&A Distinguished Alumni. McGill (BSAA '83) is VP of Engineering at Raytheon Missile Systems, while Varanasi (Ph.D. '68) has had an incredible 45-year career at Boeing. 

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Women in aerospace: Making women engineers accessible to girls

One of A&A’s newest clubs is reaching out to elementary and middle school girls to show them examples of women engineers.

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SARP: Igniting a passion

UW SARP's chief engineer, A&A's Jess Grant, relates what it takes to compete, and win, in the Spaceport America Cup.

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Justin Little appointed assistant professor

A&A welcomes Justin Little, whose research focuses on the intersection of electric propulsion and plasma physics.

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Ph.D. student Rob Grover on his research, the InSight probe landing

A&A’s Rob Grover explains experiencing the landing of the Mars InSight probe after six years of preparations.

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Research highlights

A&A is advancing research in plasma science, supersonic retropropulsion, damage-sensing composites, network dynamics, and origami-inspired aerospace structures. 

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Highflight is the department's alumni newsletter. Published annually, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


