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RSO / Advisor Agreement

Each registered student organization (RSO) for the UW Aeronautics and Astronautics Department (UW A&A) is required to have at least one faculty/staff advisor. In general, the advisor to a registered student organization (RSO) serves to represent the organization to the University and, conversely, the University to the organization.

While students are the primary leaders of the RSO, advisors serve to help them navigate the policies and procedures of the University. Also, members of the organization should be able to count upon the advisor for assistance and guidance in planning/conducting the program and activities of the organization.

If you are an Advisor to an RSO and authorized RSO Officer, please review the information below, print and complete the second page of the RSO/Advisor Agreement, and return the form to and cc

Attention, Faculty! See also the RSO Advising Checklist

Qualifications of an Advisor

  • Be a faculty or staff member at UW A&A
  • Willingness to dedicate time, energy and your presence to the student organization
  • Knowledge of University policies and procedures and help ensure RSO remains compliant

An RSO Advisor should

  • Assist in the general development and operation of the organization
  • Attend the organization’s meetings and events when required/feasible/requested
  • Provide guidance in the planning of the activities and conduct of the organization
  • Keep the Center for Student Involvement informed about any concerns of the organization as needed
  • Assist with the navigation of group dynamics Be knowledgeable of organization documents, including Constitution
  • Be familiar with RSO Resources and Policies
  • Be accessible and respond in a timely manner to questions and requests.

What an Advisor can expect from the RSO

  • Keeping the advisor informed of all organization activities, meeting times, locations and agendas
  • Providing minutes from meetings when requested
  • Meeting regularly with the advisor and use them as a sounding board for discussing plans and problems

What a student officer can expect from an Advisor

  • Assistance with formulating long–range goals and planning/initiating short–term projects
  • Assistance with understanding and following University policy and procedure
  • Suggestions of ways the club meetings can be improved
  • Assistance with evaluating club projects, performance and progress
  • Making suggestions that will permit the officers to improve leadership skills
  • Safety and health advising