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A&A-Affiliated RSO Resources & Requirements

What is an RSO?

A registered student organization (RSO) is an extracurricular club created and organized by UW students. They are set up through the Student Activities Office and can be a nonprofit organization separate from the UW. All RSOs must follow the policies and guidelines outlined by the Student Activities Office.

Resources for A&A-affiliated RSOs

To support the student experience, A&A provides affiliated RSOs with the following resources by the department.

  • Faculty advisor to primarily serve as a technical and health and safety advisor
  • Gift budget account set up through the department for the RSO’s fundraising efforts

Other departmental resources (including space) are provided on a case-by-case basis. Please note that student educational support and funded research take priority over RSO requests.


Health and Safety Training
RSO members are expected to take all A&A required safety training on an annual basis. This includes:

In the event RSOs are engaging in off-campus activities, a fieldwork standard operating protocol (SOP) may be necessary. For more information, please refer to EHS’s guidance on fieldwork.

All active RSOs must provide the following Club Officer contacts to the department on at least an annual basis or when changed:

  • Club President - this is who we will contact if there is information that needs to be disseminated.
  • Treasurer
  • Purchasing and Facilities Liaison who is authorized to make purchasing and facilities requests once they complete the departmental orientations.

Required Orientations
Registration Orientation
All active RSOs must re-register their organization annually with the HUB. For details on this process please see RSO Registration. As a note, part of this process includes attending a registration session which is an orientation to the policies and procedures for RSOs. It is an expectation that all A&A Affiliated RSOs will send the appropriate designees in their club and ensure they are following the guidelines outlined in the RSO Policy Guide.

Departmental Orientation
The A&A Department will also provide the purchasing/facilities liaison training on departmental purchasing and facilities request processes.

Have a question?

Type of question

Where to go
General RSO operations and policy questions Student Activities Office - Engineering groups are assigned an advisor.
Technical questions for projects and competitions A&A Faculty Advisor
Requests for funding or other departmental resources All requests need to be attached to a project or competition and should start with a conversation with your Faculty Advisor. Once approved by the Faculty Advisor, follow the procedure for requests for resources. A&A releases an annual request for departmental support. This request goes out at the beginning of October and is due by October 31st. Approvals are sent by November 15th. Additional requests can be made on an ad hoc basis and will be answered within 2 weeks and are subject to funding availability. All funding approvals require an annual plan that has been approved by the Faculty Advisor.
Purchasing requests Once the A&A Faculty Advisor has approved the request, the departmental liaison can send purchasing requests to following the departmental process.
Facilities requests Once the A&A Faculty Advisor has approved the request, the departmental liaison can send facilities requests to
Gift budget questions Send questions and requests for appointments to the Undergraduate Advisor at
Meeting room requests Please follow A&A’s room request policy.

Other resources

Some other resources that RSOs will want to use include:

  • EHS Website - This is the place for health and safety trainings and policies.
  • Student Activities Website - This is the place for all policies and procedures.
  • Bi-weekly check in meetings - Currently our academic services manager/facilities manager hosts a twice monthly meeting for all A&A-affiliated RSO officers to attend to share best practices and answer any outstanding questions.