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Guidelines for Student Organizations

Department-affiliated student organizations

Student-based groups, including professional societies and competitive teams, play an important role in a well-rounded, interdisciplinary education. A&A encourages students to incorporate well-balanced extracurricular activities in their education whenever possible.

To support student-led activities, we have established criteria for student groups to become formally affiliated with the department. Affiliated student groups receive recognition on department outreach materials and the department website. Formal A&A affiliation also allows student groups to request support (e.g., space, equipment, funds, etc.) from the Department. Affiliation does not guarantee department resources, but it is a requirement for eligibility.

Once a student group receives formal department affiliation, it must maintain that status by verifying the following criteria each academic year. Failure to uphold any of the following criteria will result in the loss of department affiliation and resources.

Guidelines for department affiliation with student-led organization

  • The express purpose of the organization must have direct relevance to the field of aeronautics & astronautics. This relevance can include technical topics in aerospace engineering, engineering design or design competition, aerospace (or STEM) education and outreach, and professional development for aerospace engineers.
  • The organization must establish and maintain formal status as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) with the University of Washington.
  • The organization must have an approved faculty or staff adviser from the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics. Affiliate faculty may serve as advisers.
  • The organization’s student leadership must include a Treasurer or Accountant who is responsible for managing the organization’s finances, including purchasing.
  • The organization’s student leadership must report back to the department, at least annually, on organization activities and outcomes. Annual reports must be in writing, emailed and addressed to the Department Chair (copied to the Assoc. Chair for Academics, the group’s official adviser, and the Director of Academic Services). The annual report must include a roster of members and a detailed accounting on how departmental resources (if provided) were used.
  • Affiliated student groups and their members must represent the department in a professional manner and must conduct all activities in compliance with department and university policies at all times. Policy compliance includes rules and guidelines regarding social events, the student code of conduct, and safety procedures.